SharePoint Permission Workflow 3.3.702.3


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1.6 MB / Windows 2003 / 2008
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The SharePoint Permission Boost was designed to be a SharePoint workflow template for WSS SharePoint2007/MOSS.

It provides additional features based on and beyond SharePoint default permission mechanism to SharePoint list.

Here are some key features of "SharePoint Permission Workflow":

· Assign permissions to all SharePoint list items separated from SharePoint list permission settings. There are times when SharePoint user need to set permissions to all items of a list while not inherit item permissions from parent list permissions. SharePoint Permission Boost Workflow can solve this problem instead of manually setting permissions to each item. With the Permission Boost workflow, permission settings will be automatically applied to each item when a list item is created or modified;
· Assign ITEM-RELATED users or groups permissions to item. SharePoint Permission Boost Workflow brings in a concept named "ITEM-RELATED users or groups", which actually means user or group columns in a list. With the Permission Boost workflow running back grounded, when item is created or modified, the "ITEM-RELATED" users or groups will be automatically assigned permissions to the item he resides. For instance, in a task list, SharePoint users want the assignee of one task, not other user or group, to have read permission to this task. Since each task item has its own assignee, it will be difficult for SharePoint users setting read permission to each item when assignee is appointed or changed. Configured in the workflow setting page, the user of "assignee column" (user or group column), which represents "ITEM-RELATED users or groups", is assigned read permission to the item he resides.


· Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services v3
· Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007
· Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
· Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0


· 30 days trial

What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]

Bug fixed:
· Column/View Permission settings do not work on the domain group when the permissions are set on the SharePoint group which contains the domain group

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